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The facts about men’s mental health: No.9 Check Mate

International Men’s Day is tomorrow, Friday, November 19, and our second last instalment in the Know Your Man Facts - Mental Health series looks at what actions men can take to help a mate, possibly even save his life.

To recap, the three pillars for creating greater mental health on a personal level are look after your body,  develop a healthy lifestyle and also, a healthy mindset.

What is the one thing you can do to help someone else who doing it tough, or who could clearly benefit from a mental health boost?

Check in with them.

It’s a well-known fact that social connection keeps us mentally healthy. So by making an effort to spend time with a mate, you’re helping both you and your mate stay mentally healthy.

And you don’t have to be having deep and meaningful conversations, just the act of spending time with mates can improve their mental health.

They don't have to be struggling either before you take the initiative to connect. 

Be A Man Who Connects With His Mates

SMS messages through social media can keep the channels open. What's App groups also help create a sense of belonging to those in 'the circle'. 

But nothing beats a call and/or a catch up. Put your time where your mouth is, instead of 'it would be great to see you some time,' make it, 'when can we catch up?' And follow through. 

When someone is struggling, the support of another human being is one of the most helpful things a friend can do, particularly if that other person is respected and trusted.

Just to know someone cares enough to tap you on the shoulder, is a powerful gesture, one that might just lift him out of a dangerous slump. 

Know Your Man Facts

The Australian Men’s Health Forum developed the Know Your Man Facts campaign on Men’s Mental Health to bring more awareness to key issues about men’s mental health.

In a tailor-made presentation for International Men’s Day 2021, KYMF looks at some of the actions you can take to stay mentally healthy, how you can help others and maybe even save someone’s life.

Also in this series:

Read: The facts about men's mental health: No.1 - 75% of suicides are male

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.2: Out of Order

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.3 Men at Work

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.4 Home Alone

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.5 You Gotta Have Friends

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.6 Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.7 Creating a Healthy Lifestyle

Read: The facts about men's mental health: No.8 The Healthy Mindset

If you would like to learn more about this topic and give a Know Your Man Facts presentation on men’s mental health, please email your request to [email protected]

You can access all other resources to share across your networks here.



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