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When, what and why is International Men’s Day in Australia?

Every year on International Women’s Day people ask, “Is there an International Men’s Day?”

Some even go further when they find out that there is. “Why, what for?”

International Men’s Day (IMD) is celebrated in around 80 countries every year on 19 November. In 2019, International Men’s Day will fall on Tuesday 19 November, although many people will hold their activities and celebrations before or after the main event.

In Australia, IMD is a great opportunity to take part in a global conversation about manhood, masculinity and men’s issues by:

  • Highlighting some of the social issues than men and boys face
  • Making a difference for the men and boys in your community
  • Celebrating men and boys in all their diversity
  • Having some serious fun

Many people also use the day to highlight key social issues that men and boys face around the world. In Australia, these “men’s issues” include the fact that:

  • 3 out of 4 suicides are men
  • 2 out of 3 violent deaths are men
  • Men die 6 years younger than women on average
  • Boys underperform girls at every stage of education
  • Dads who want to be more involved in their children’s lives face a range of barriers

Despite the overwhelming evidence that men and boys face a range of issues related to their physical, mental and social health and wellbeing, many people are intransigent in promoting a range rigid gender stereotypes and clichés such as:

  • “Man Up”
  • “Boys don’t cry”
  • “Men and boys don’t need help” and;
  • “Every day is International Men’s Day”

The fact is, every day isn’t International Men’s Day. Only 19 November.

As with International Women’s Day, everyone is welcome to celebrate International Men’s Day.

International Men’s Day recognises that there are a broad variety of laws, values and viewpoints around the world that affect men and boys in different countries, in different ways. There is also a diversity of opinions about those laws, values and viewpoints, which are held by people of different genders and gender identities throughout the world.

International Men’s Day places a focus on that which unites humanity, giving everyone who wants to celebrate International Men’s Day the opportunity to work together towards the day’s six key objectives, which apply equally to all males irrespective of their age, ability, social background, legal status, race, beliefs, sexual orientation or gender identity.

These are:

  • Valuing male role models
  • Acknowledging the contribution of men and boys
  • Improving male health
  • Tackling discrimination and disadvantage
  • Fostering positive gender relations
  • Making the world a safer place for everyone

On International Men’s Day, we will put a laser like focus on these themes through a range of activities and celebrations held before or after the main event, and supporting those individuals and organisations who are doing the same.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Set up an event yourself and promote it on our events calendar 
  • Use the events calendar on to find an event to attend 
  • Share our resources to get involved in the International Men’s Day conversation online 


READ: 10 ways men can take part in International Women’s Day

READ: Julie Bishop is wrong: Why we need an International Men's Day (AMHF)

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