The theme for 2022 The WA Men's Gathering, to be held over the International Men's Day weekend from November 18-20, is:
Building the Whole Man: Finding The Missing Pieces
It will be held at Jarrahfall Bush Camp located near Dwellingup, a peaceful bush setting that will provide a back-to-nature feel for the whole weekend.
You can expect fire pits, workshops, great meals, group work, yoga, fun, ceremony, laughter, music, bushwalking, storytelling, and above all… mateship.
The Gathering program starts on Friday evening and finishes around 2pm on Sunday. You have the option of arriving on Friday afternoon to spend some extra time getting to know the other men participating, prior to the formal program starting.
With this year’s theme Building the Whole Man – Finding the Missing Pieces, we want to explore looking inward to improve our world and that of our families. How the world perceives us and the ever-changing model of masculinity. The Gathering will provide you with a chance to deal with all of that and make some authentic connections.
It’s time to put all the pieces together!
Click on the Register button to see the current pricing and to reserve your place. Places are limited to 100 men and the first 25 paid registrations before 1st October are discounted, so act quickly to avoid missing out.
This year’s program is still being developed. It will include speakers and facilitators presenting a choice of interactive sessions over the weekend that will stimulate, educate and inspire.
Breaking the Barrier – Ian De Mello
Past, Present, Potential – Peter Efford
Candidates TBC
My kids and Prison
The Inner Life
The philosophy of Sun Tzu
Naturalist in the Bush
Recovering from Alcoholism
Lessons from the Buddha
Living the Dream in Retirement
Personal Finances 101
Let’s Talk About Sex
Living your Values
Review your Life
- Walking the Bibbulmun End to End
Included in the price of your ticket is:
accommodation – bunkhouse, swag and camping options are available,
gourmet meals and refreshments are provided from Friday evening until the end of the program,
all activities provided, and
a great concert on Saturday night.
What is a Men’s Gathering?
A Men’s Gathering is a space for men to meet, laugh, learn and explore some of the issues affecting our lives. It allows men to meet in a safe, confidential, and respectful way where we can share our story, reflect on life, have some fun, and better understand ourselves and our place in the world. Learn more about the WA Men's Gatherings.
#MakeTime4Mates #InternationalMensDay 2022 #IMD2022