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Pipes, Duco & Engine: Practical Men's Health

This free event hosted by the Buderim Men's Shed is for men interested in their health and those interested in their men. Skin cancer, prostate cancer and heart disease are major killers of men in Buderim, this information night may fill some gaps in your knowledge and prompt actions that could well give you more years in your life and more life in your years.

Men are renowned for not heeding advice on their health. Come along and prove this is not true. 

Three health professionals speaking on men's Pipes, Duco and Engines (prostate, skin & muscles). Come along and learn how to live. Longer.

Register for this event

November 08, 2022
6:45pm - 9pm
Buderim Men's Shed
38 Advance Rd
Kuluin, QLD 4558
Google map and directions

David Bell

(07) 5445 2202

Pipes, Duco & Engine: Practical Men's Health - International Mens Day - Clone