Mr Perfect – men’s mental health mate – is returning after the COVID lockdown to hold a special International Men’s Day Mr Perfect BBQ on Saturday November 20 11.30 am – 1.30 pm at the Carrington Bowling Club, Cowper St.
This event will also celebrate the launch of a new guide by men's health promotion consultant Greg Millan called "Men's Healthy Ageing Guide"
The stages of life for men known as midlife and later life covering from 50 years to 85+ can be a difficult time, often described in terms of a “midlife crisis”. The Men's Healthy Ageing Guide presents the idea that men need to rearrange their lives to benefit most from the great experience of working less and enjoying life more. No crisis, just a different way of dealing with life with the right set of tools and the right outlook.
Research has shown that many men regard this stage of their lives as the happiest and most productive time ever – which is great news. This Guide covers key health and wellbeing issues that affect Aussie males over 50 and provide them with the knowledge and skills to lead a long and happy life.
To get a free PDF copy of the guide email Greg: [email protected]