Giving a talk before or on International Men's Day is a great way to get people talking about men.
So instead of you having to do all the hard work, we have developed presentations that you can modify for your own requirements.
The theme for International Men's Day 2022 is "Celebrating Mateship". Having friends - or mates as we like to call them in Australia - are good for your health. Quite simply, loneliness is a killer. Studies have found that loneliness increases the risk of death more than such things as poor diet, obesity, alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise, and that it is as harmful as heavy smoking.
We are developing a new toolkit on the importance of Making Time For Mates, which will be available in October and include a Know Your Man Facts presentation on Social Connection, graphics that can be downloaded and shared on social media, and a poster that can be printed out for display in community and work areas.
For latest Know Your Man Facts updates, subscribe to the bi-monthly Know Your Man Facts newsletter and become a Men's Health Champion.
The IMD 2021 Know Your Man Facts toolkit focused on Men's Mental Health.
Why is this so important? Because suicide is the leading cause of males under the age of 55 in Australia.
3 in 4 suicides are male and between 4 and 5 men under 55 die by suicide every day.
And yet, 75% of male suicide attempts are not linked to a mental health issue.
1 in 2 men will have a mental health disorder in their lifetime, which usually comes in the form of a diagnosable illness like depression or anxiety.
So in talking about men, we think it’s critical to talk about the issues impacting so many men and look at what can be done to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
The Know Your Man Facts presentation on Men’s Mental Health, includes 10 graphics that can be downloaded and shared across social media, or in the workplace.
The presentation comes with interactive speaker notes and 32 slides that can be tailored to the requirements of those conducting the talk. Some suggestions for delivery:
- Get two or three people in your workplace to give the presentation, dividing up each section and writing responses on a board.
- Hold a morning tea, lunch or afternoon session and give the presentation over, during or before refreshments.
- Print out the 10 KYMF graphics and post them on walls, or in a visible space.
- Print out the Men’s Mental Health infographic and distribute it to your audience as a conclusion to the event.
If you would like a copy of the Men’s Mental Health presentation, please email your request to [email protected]. This presentation is 46MB and will be sent via WE TRANSFER UPON REQUEST.
The Know Your Man Facts Talking About Men presentation provides factual, easy-to-digest information about men's health and some easy-to-follow tips and conversation starters on how men and boys - can improve their own lives.
It includes:
- Five big facts about men's health
- Five things not to do - health tips
- Five things to do - social and lifestyle tips
- A Know Your Man Facts Quiz
The Know Your Man Facts toolkit comes complete with speaker notes and an interactive quiz, so you don't have to do a thing. Just stand up and start talking!
Let's Get Australia Talking about Men!
Email [email protected] for the full Powerpoint (24MB sent via We Transfer )