10 Ways To Mark International Men’s Day
International Men’s Day takes place on Monday 19th November. If you want to get involved and help get Australia talking about men and boys, here are 10 ideas to get you inspired.
1. Make Some Money
There are lots of great groups and organisations working with men and boys around Australia, why not help one of them by raising funds on International Men’s Day?
2. Men At Work
Does your workplace employ men? Work can be a great place to reach men with important information about their health. Why not work with your employer to arrange a men’s health event in your workplace.
3. Top Class
Are you part of a local school community. Find out if you can help make an event or activity happen involving dads or boys or male role models.
4. Community Spirit
Are you involved in a community group that could mark International Men’s Day by hosting a special event for men and boys? It could be a faith group, a voluntary organisation or an existing men’s group, such as a local men’s shed.
5. Food Glorious Food
Making food can a great way to bring people together. If you want to bring together a group of men to mark International Men’s Day then why not think about holding a breakfast, a lunch, a BBQ or a dinner. You could invite a speaker or entertainer to help make the event more memorable.
6. Media Magnets
Do you have contact details for your local newspaper, magazine or tv/radio station. If so, why not get in touch and invite them to publish articles about International Men’s Day or dedicate a program to discussing local men’s issues.
7. Good Sports
Are you connected to a local sport or recreation club? Sport can be a great tool for engaging men. You could provide an opportunity for men and boys to improve their fitness and making social connections. Or you could use a sporting venue or local sport stars to attract people to a conversation about masculinity, manhood and men’s issues.
8. Art and Soul
Do you know an artist or performer who could help you put on an event for International Men’s Day? You could arrange an art show or photography exhibition about men, or maybe find a comedian or musician to stage a performance for International Men’s Day.
9. Talk It Out
International Men’s Day provides a unique opportunity to get people talking about men and boys. If you love to discuss and debate social issues, why not get together with likeminded people to host a local talk or debate?
10. Spread Your Net
If you’re not quite ready to make an event happen in the “real world”, why not start a conversation in the virtual world of social media? Take a look at our resources page for some ideas about videos and posters you could share with friends online.